Monday, January 08, 2007

New Year, New Blog

It finally feels like winter. I just peaked through my director's window and saw the snow chomping down on the streets so I immediately changed my mind about slipping out to get a cup of capuccino --- mmm, maybe when the snow dies down a bit. I can already hear my co-workers mumbling... the "California girl" doesn't want to go out because it's too cold. Uh, yeah? I think I'll stick with the vending machine's $1.25 frapuccino, thank you. It's not exactly slow around here either but I've decided to instead spend my so-called 15-minute break writing about well.... whatever I get to.

Ethan will be turning 1 in two weeks. I cringe when I think about the fact that one year ago, I was big and pregnant and miserable. Completely dense from the hormones but thoroughly excited... and more notably, bitching about how those damn coco-butter things didn't keep me from getting those horrid stretch marks. Now, I'm stressing about birthday party invitations and praying he won't get another injury report from daycare again. Still bitching about the stretch marks though... but I learned that even laser surgery can't help my cause. I just can't believe I've lived through the year. After all those times when I second-guessed myself and thought for sure that I was going to mess hiim up. But, here we are, he's still in one piece.. and a very happy boy!

It's true what they say... they do grow up fast. Just last night, he picked up one of his toy cellphones, held it against his ear and said "ahhhh?" (which I presumed was his version of "hello"). He's learned how to climb the slide on the stair part and actually go down on the slide part instead of the other way around. He waves "hi" and "bye" and he'll even give you a kiss... if he's in the mood. He'll wear you out like you've just ran a marathon without having to leave the living room, but he hasn't quite figured out that he's starting to become too tall to run under the dining room table. He gives the BIGGEST hugs and blows the sweetest raspberries at the slightest sight of uncovered skin. He's finally content now since the move to the toddler room... where he can run around freely and everyone eats the "big kids" food. He sure is a big eater... you never have a problem feeding this boy... unless he's feeling under the weather. He'll eat anything and everything, no matter how gross it tastes as long as he sees someone else eating it. At school, the teachers sometimes call him a "bully" because he just goes for what he wants even if it means pushing other babies out of the way or snatching it right out of their hands. I'm sure he doesn't mean it maliciously... but I do pride in that he's the youngest baby in there by 2 months yet he seemed like he owned the room from day 1. Downside is, being around all those kids has made him a fly trap for viruses and infections the past couple of months. He's had at least 4 ear infections (aside from the croup, Hand Foot & Mouth, and everything else!) --- ended up getting tubes put in at 11 months, which seemingly hasn't helped too much especially after getting an infection almost immediately after the surgery. He'll let you know when he's not feeling well, though most of the time, he's happy and content as can be.

He bounces when he hears music (to the rhythm too, I might add), yet he refuses to put his hands together to clap. He does like to wave them around like a monkey... He likes to laugh and giggle -- very ticklish under the feet and under his arms. He especially loves to play hide-and-seek... if you hide under the blanket and yell for help, he will come like your keenest knight in shining armor and rescue you with a big smile. He doesn't watch too much TV, but when he does he favors the Disney's Little Einsteins (or whatever football game daddy has on). He's recently been to Disneyland and met Mickey and Pluto and Goofy -- everyone else BUT Winnie the Pooh (how ironic). He's got 7 teeth so far -- 3 on top and 4 on the bottom... and he's definitely not afraid to let you know how sharp they are. He loves taking baths, sometimes he fusses about having his ear plugs put in beforehand, but after the ordeal, he gets ecstatic splashing away and drowning his rubber duckies.

I'm sure some people don't think these are big accomplishments but... I'm telling you... it was just yesterday when Mike and I were driving to the hospital and I was thinking of getting some chinese food after they tell me it's yet another false alarm. I swear it was just yesterday...

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