Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Birthday Recap: Part 1, Party at the Preschool

On Tuesday, January 20th, while the whole world watched history unfold as the new president was inaugurated and sworn into office... we were celebrating something much more important, Ethan's 3rd birthday!

Front page cover of the LA Times on January 20th, 2009

I couldn't get the day off from work, but I was able to leave early so I could attend Ethan's little shindig at school. And by shindig, I mean eating cake with his classmates during their afternoon snack and that was pretty much it. I would have done more, but that was all the school allowed us to do: either bring pizza for lunch or bring cake for snacktime.

Still, it was an exciting deal for us... I think partly because the past 2 times we had done it at his old daycare, we didn't really get much response from Ethan. Sure, he enjoyed the cupcake but knew little (or nothing) of the significance of it. Now, he understands that the cake is FOR HIM... and that everyone was singing 'Happy Birthday' TO HIM... and that he'll be getting LOTS of presents for turning 3.

Planning THIS "party" was pretty cut and dry. I designed and printed the invitations (they were handed directly to the parents when they picked up their kids that afternoon). And then all that was left to do was order the cake from Costco and assembled goody bags with animal crackers and some candy.

Note to self and a tip to those who have to serve preschoolers: If you must serve something sweet, serve cupcakes (with as little icing as possible) instead of a sheet cake. I wish they would have told me that it was ok to bring something healthier like fruits or yogurt.

The day, of course, didn't end there. There's the 2 hour trip to Toys R Us, dinner and playtime at John's and then the BIG party over the weekend.

I'll post more soon.

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