Saturday, August 04, 2007

To Cut or Not to Cut?

Army regulations on hair grooming says:

"The hair on top of the head will be neatly groomed. The length and bulk of the hair will not be excessive or present a ragged, unkempt, or extreme appearance. Hair will present a tapered appearance and, when combed, will not fall over the ears or eyebrows or touch the collar, except for the closely cut hair at the back of the neck. The block cut fullness in the back is permitted in moderate degree as long as the tapered look is maintained."

That means Ethan is out of regulation... that is, according to his dad.

I personally want to grow his hair out, I think it would be really cute. I mean, I'm not talking shaggy-looking... but I don't want him to have a crew cut for the rest of his life either.


There's a debate in the house whether we should or should not take him to get his usual trim. Thoughts anyone?


Jaidean said...

I'm going through the same thing with Teagun right now. I have ALWAYS wanted the long beachy/surfer hair for him, but he has always had such fine, thin hair. It is finally started to fill out so I said I am growing it until the baby comes and we will decide then. He has a good few months of growth and there are days I am ready to take him in to cut it. My husband is indifferent though, so that is nice! I say let's both grow out the boy's hair together! :)

Janice said...

I don't know what Ethan's hair texture is, but Cameron's is pretty thick and sticks straight out! I want to grow it out but it's looking like a fuzzy helmet head at the moment. So I've been debating (same as you) whether to cut it or not. Jaidean's son, Teagun has really cute surfer hair that I would love for Cameron to have but I don't think that's going to happen.


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