Tuesday, January 01, 2008

When Snow Falls on a California Girl

Well, it's official. Vacation is over. No more waking up to 65 degrees and the only worry is what to do for entertainment that day or where to go for lunch. No more default babysitters. No more Thai food.

Now it's back to the cold, snowy mountains of WV.. in my little cubicle world piled with superfluous responsibilities and inexorable stress.

I know this is going to sound cliche coming from a transplant, but... I freaking hate the snow. Sure it looks pretty for about 15 seconds, and then it becomes just itty bitty pieces of cold manifesting on my cheeks... and my toes. Not to mention it sends me on a frenzy of paranoia, packing my car with boxes of juice and warm blankets.

I hate driving in it.

I hate walking in it.

I almost hate living in it.

Highlights of the past month to come, I promise. Oh, and Happy 2008.

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