As a mom, Ethan's Christmas program is one of the most anticipated events on my calendar. This year, they're singing the same songs his class sang last year, so as an astute veteran (and the best singer of course), he knew his songs like the back of his hand. Still....... we practiced every day on the way to school..... and the closer it got to the program, the more excited he got.
Backstage.... Ethan was calm and collected, while the other kids shuffled around being yelled at to sit down.
"I'm soooooooo excited!", he squealed. He knew that mommy, daddy, Lola, Lolo and Uncle Jojo would be front and center, cheering him on.
We weren't exactly front and center -- even after getting there an hour and a half early. Still, we were at a good spot.. with clear shot of Ethan and his buddies (who got the special spots at the top of the stage -- his teacher said that's where she puts the kids who knew the songs and the actions the most).

I got my camera ready with big proud-mama smile on my face, and gave Ethan a thumbs up. Then like a hurricane, a swarm of tardy parents who didn't give a rats ass about who they were blocking, bum-rushed to the front (and the aisles) to do exactly what were we were all there to do.
It didn't seem fair. And for a while, I yelled "Excuse me!" and "Sit down!" along with the other angry parents who had their views stolen. I was pissed.... but kept my composure. And while the show must go on, I was lucky to have a husband who was taller than 5'2 who was still able to somewhat get a shot of Ethan singing his heart out.
And they're lucky I had a zoom lens and my new Nikon 300s (early Christmas present!) or else I wouldn't have been as nice.
And they're lucky I had a zoom lens and my new Nikon 300s (early Christmas present!) or else I wouldn't have been as nice.
I turned around and saw a few of Ethan's friends' parents who weren't as lucky, and got their email addresses so I could send them what we were able to get.
Jingle Bells
Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer
Santa Claus is Coming to Town
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