Unfortunately, because of the weather, we didn't get to take Ethan egg-hunting this weekend. This morning though, we joined the ranks of holiday Catholics and attended the Easter service. Of course, Ethan wasn't too keen of staying quiet and listening to the readings -- instead, he wanted to throw things and run up and down the aisle to play with the other rowdy kids. After surviving the hour-long mass, we went home and gave Ethan the Easter Bunny's basket of goodies before venturing off for a nice bruch at the Cracker Barrel.
In it were letter blocks, a monkey book, some matchbox cars, a couple of shirts, bubbles, a few snacks like cheese sticks and twizzlers, and other little stuff. He was amused by the eggs we colored last night... truthfully, I think he just liked throwing them and seeing our reactions every time we heard a SPLAT. He played with those for a little bit, until he realized it was so much more fun to play with the plastic box his blocks came in with. Kids........
And last night, I was introduced to a very non-filipino tradition of painting eggs. YES folks, you heard it right... I have NEVER colored an egg in my entire life until last night. My parenting was attacked by a certain someone (Mike) who argued it doesn't make sense that I would take the time to carve a pumpkin for Ethan but not dye eggs. SO..... we did! and Ethan enjoyed breaking them...
Oh and I can't forget to mention about the shrinking Easter bunny. I swear, it SHRANK. See, this is how big it was last year (LOVE the look on Ethan's face)... compared to this year, where it's obviously gotten smaller!

Easter 2006

Easter 2007
Well, that's it! That was our Easter in an eggshell. Ha! Get it? Eggshell instead of nutshell? Nevermind. We hope that everyone had a Happy Easter! :)