These days, I have relentlessly found refuge in the technological innovation called the television. I admit, I have never been a firm believer in the singular capacity of the telly to totally ruin people's concentrational lives. They say it's evil because it takes away from actual functional and constructive activities such as reading, or exercising. Yet in this society, it is not only perceptible that literary books are being turned into movies, you will also HARDLY find a gym that is without numerous televisions secured on their walls.
Nevermind the bunch of mindless drivel on it, there's also stuff I enjoy for its entertainment, news, educational value.
The funny thing is... I don't even "follow" any particular show. In fact, I consider myself more of a re-run junkie. I can never get enough of the neverending song-and-dance of Ross and Rachel (even though I currently own the first six seasons on DVD already), or the scientific explorations of Crime Scene Investigation (it's gotten to a point where I can watch the first 10 minutes of the show and tell you who the killer is...). Despite the lack of suspense, I still find repeat episodes of Everyone Loves Raymond entertaining -- something about the old man's vulgar yet funny attitude that makes me fancy what Mike would be like 50 years from now. Then there's the useless crap, like the irritatingly addicting onslaught of reality tv shows on MTV... what's more entertaining than watching an ex-boyband member throwing a yard sale to have enough money for the rent?
I watch the morning local news in the morning. I'm a firm believer of getting 20 minutes of extra sleep than waking up early to read the newspaper (besides... we're already paying 100 something dollars for cable anyway, why pay extra couple of bucks for a newspaper subscription?) - Before I took the time off for mommy duties, I would have it tuned faintly in the background while get ready for work. Sometimes, in the middle of blowdrying my hair, I would sneak a peak to watch the little scroller at the bottom of the screen for the headlines, but mostly to try to catch a glimpse on the day's weather prediction.
And when Mike's home, you can almost guarantee that he has the remote control and that he's watching some kind of sports channel. That's where educational kicks in for me. Believe it or not, i can actually sit through an entire football game now and not be totally clueless. I can even tell you who the Heisman Trophy nominees were this year and who is likely to be this year's first draft pick...
Do I watch too much TV? Lately.. I'm probably guilty. Next to taking care of my son, doing laundry, reading a new book called "Your Purpose in Life" (generously picked by a favorite Uncle of mine) and checking my email, there really isn't much else to do. Bite me...
I'll probably be glued to the television more by next week when the Olympics start...... nothing better than watching agony of dreams destroyed by a better competitor!!

Nevermind the bunch of mindless drivel on it, there's also stuff I enjoy for its entertainment, news, educational value.
The funny thing is... I don't even "follow" any particular show. In fact, I consider myself more of a re-run junkie. I can never get enough of the neverending song-and-dance of Ross and Rachel (even though I currently own the first six seasons on DVD already), or the scientific explorations of Crime Scene Investigation (it's gotten to a point where I can watch the first 10 minutes of the show and tell you who the killer is...). Despite the lack of suspense, I still find repeat episodes of Everyone Loves Raymond entertaining -- something about the old man's vulgar yet funny attitude that makes me fancy what Mike would be like 50 years from now. Then there's the useless crap, like the irritatingly addicting onslaught of reality tv shows on MTV... what's more entertaining than watching an ex-boyband member throwing a yard sale to have enough money for the rent?
I watch the morning local news in the morning. I'm a firm believer of getting 20 minutes of extra sleep than waking up early to read the newspaper (besides... we're already paying 100 something dollars for cable anyway, why pay extra couple of bucks for a newspaper subscription?) - Before I took the time off for mommy duties, I would have it tuned faintly in the background while get ready for work. Sometimes, in the middle of blowdrying my hair, I would sneak a peak to watch the little scroller at the bottom of the screen for the headlines, but mostly to try to catch a glimpse on the day's weather prediction.
And when Mike's home, you can almost guarantee that he has the remote control and that he's watching some kind of sports channel. That's where educational kicks in for me. Believe it or not, i can actually sit through an entire football game now and not be totally clueless. I can even tell you who the Heisman Trophy nominees were this year and who is likely to be this year's first draft pick...
Do I watch too much TV? Lately.. I'm probably guilty. Next to taking care of my son, doing laundry, reading a new book called "Your Purpose in Life" (generously picked by a favorite Uncle of mine) and checking my email, there really isn't much else to do. Bite me...
I'll probably be glued to the television more by next week when the Olympics start...... nothing better than watching agony of dreams destroyed by a better competitor!!

This isn't my kid, but I thought it was funny
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