I'm as miserable as miserable can be. Indigestion and heartburn have turned into my sidekicks.. annoyingly, it's getting more and more difficult to justify my feeding frenzies. Sometimes I think about just skipping meals just so I don't have to deal with them, but I know little Mikey needs the nutrients. My ligaments are getting stretched every way imaginable and people are starting to take notice of the way I'm waddling like a duck. Not to mention my midnight moans and groans are increasing in frequency that I don't know how long Mike's going to last before he starts making up excuses to sleep in the guest room. Even with our recent queen size upgrade (a stunning space improvement from the precedent full which also made a lot of noise, and the springs were just about ready to retire), I still feel like I'm hogging up all the newfound room with my constant position changes and my 5 pillows that I desperately try to find comfort in. Much to Mike's slumber advantage, he's off to Atlanta for a week on some training. Part of me hopes he finds better sleep within the next couple of days (despite the bacteria-infected Holiday Inn bed he'd be sleeping in), while the other part wishes he was back in our bed instead.
I try to busy myself to make the time pass by until he gets home to keep me company. For one, I am determined to finish the nursery by end of this week. Gifts from the baby shower they threw me at work last week are piled on top of gifts from the baby shower they threw us in Ohio. It's like baby gear mayhem. On Saturday, I carefully took all the tags off from all the new clothes he's accumulated and piled them separately according to their suggested machine wash settings (I know... I know... ONE puke session later, I'm sure I won't care if it's supposed to be washed warm or cold, but for now, I'm still blissfully engulfed with the rookie-mama details). I washed all the toys and meticulously put them in another pile. I left all the big stuff that still needs some assembling for Mike. He likes to put things together anyway. Still missing a glider (might be an expected Christmas present from the hubby).. that puzzle is barely AND painstakingly about 80% complete.. and I plan on putting some shelves up to showcase the Winnie the Pooh stuffed toys I've managed to collect over the years. Give or take a couple of minor details, little Mikey's room should be all ready... (wish I could say the same for his mom).
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