Dad Life from Church on the Move on Vimeo.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Happy Birthday Mike!

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Mr. Super Dad and Husband....
Happy Birthday to you!
Twenty seven years ago today, one of the most amazing women I’ve ever known gave birth to the most wonderful man I have ever known.
To her I say: Thanks for raising such a wonderful, caring, sensitive, and strong man. Thanks for teaching him what’s right and what’s wrong. Thanks for showing him that love and affection are wonderful things to have and to give in life.
To him I say: Happy Birthday, Babe! I love you with all my heart. Ethan and I are so lucky to have you in our lives. You are our rock. We are so very proud of everything you have accomplished, and we are here to support with everything else you got stored up your sleeves.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Five on Fridays: Empty Nest Syndrome, A Shiny, New Toy and Annoying Customer Service Reps
1. Today is Day 5 of Ethan being gone. Sure, he's having a blast, but I think Mike and I are going through Ethan withrawals. Mike actually turned on the tv this morning and left the channel on Dora the Explorer, so I had to listen to it while getting ready, and by the time I walked out the door, I was miserably missing my baby and singing an awfully-written-incredibly-annoying-repetitive song about a map.
Zoo day with Grandma and best bud Travis
2. Got a semi-surprise visit from Mike's mom (to pick up Ethan to take to Ohio) over the weekend. And it was nice that she was able to join us for one of Mike's races (with the usual gang, of course), and then we all celebrated Father's day with a family dinner at the Yard House. But the best part of the short stay was meeting Jacob for the first time and I'm sure being able to spend time with both Ethan and Jacob made the long flights worthwhile in itself.
Hanging out after watching Toy Story 3
Dinner with family at the Yard House
3. So Mike turns a year older on Sunday (not a young buck anymore!), but he got his birthday present about a week early since we agreed that it's a Father's day/Birthday combo. Yes, it was that much. It weighs as much as my wrist. It's blue. It's shiny. It's got fancy shifts and gears. It's made by the same people who make cameras so it must be good. And supposedly, the fact that it's made of carbon fiber will help Mike go that much faster.
4. Holy crap! Who knew there is actually such a thing as a McGangbang? All this time, I thought my brother and his friends (who all equally love to raid my kitchen) are just trying to get me to order it and look stupid. But this concoction is apparently not only real, it's reserved for select special people who even know about the damn thing.
Now that's a heart attack in a bun...
I'm on semi-diet kick (I'm not about to gain that pant size back from one sitting) so I'm not at all tempted to get one of these, but I dutifully stand corrected.
5. Did I mention I hate the IRS? I have spent more hours on the phone (holding and arguing with customer representatives) the past week than I ever care to again for the rest of my life.
I call the 888 number.
Stay on hold for 30 minutes.
Get assigned to a Customer Service rep who tells me the reason why our tax returns got shot down is because I'm missing a form and that I can fax it to them. But, they can't receive fax.
So who can?
They tell me to call back that same 888 number and maybe the next randomly selected Customer Service rep can receive a fax.
Am I supposed to just keep calling the SAME number, and sacrifice lamb to the gods of IRS customer service roulette, and hope and pray that the next person I get happens to be sitting in walking distance from a fax machine???
Can you transfer me to whatever department that has the capability to receive my fax?
Can you forward me to a supervisor?
I don't have a supervisor. They are randomly selected.
I seriously hate the IRS.
Now, I know most of these people probably don't receive the training they ought to have, but COME ON. Customer service without the service is bullshit.
five on fridays,
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Let's get our priorities straight: I need a new "purse"
I have a confession to make.
While Mike is busy making dinner reservations at the Eiffel Tower, I am currently obsessed with more important things.... like how I'm going to survive 10 days of carrying my camera around Europe while
1. Not looking like a tourist with an ugly camera bag in tow,
While Mike is busy making dinner reservations at the Eiffel Tower, I am currently obsessed with more important things.... like how I'm going to survive 10 days of carrying my camera around Europe while
1. Not looking like a tourist with an ugly camera bag in tow,
2. Not breaking my camera overseas by stuffing it into one of my handbags, and
3. Not risking getting my precious stolen in stinking Florence (we have a bad history) because my handbag was too heavy for me to sling on my arm. I had a HUGE backpack during that 2003 trip, and was surrounded by people in my trip, in a crowded hotel lobby.... it only took them 2 seconds to swipe it right under my nose. Lessons learned: I need a bag that will stay ON ME at all times.
This is my most powerful argument for buying a new "purse" and I'm sticking to it.
I can't help it.... when I saw the Epiphanie bags, I was hooked.
Decisions! Decisions!
So, after a little bit of soul searching and dusting off my powers of pursuasion, I finally chose the black Lola..... I can't wait til she comes!
No Ethan for 2 Weeks!!! =(
Mike and I both woke up this morning at the usual 5:45 and were a little relieved we could hit snooze on both alarms. This is day 1 of not having Ethan. As promised, he gets to spend 2 weeks in Ohio with Grandma, Poppi, and "old" Grandma.
I don't get to sleep in very much, so I was happy to get the extra 15 minutes. When we finally got out of bed to get ready for work (45 minutes later), we found ourselves (even with the extra sleep) with seemingly a little too much time of just......... silence.
No Dora the Explorer in the background to "encourage" Ethan to get out of bed. Mike usually dresses Ethan, only for me to look at him and decide on the spot that I didn't like his outfit so I change him again. Mike didn't have to cook microwavable pancakes. I had to fight traffic without the carpool lane because the carseat behind me was empty.
It was really weird.
Last night, we had our first Skype date... something I had made mandatory on this trip to have every night before he goes to bed. He was so blown away by all the new toys Grandma got him, that he didn't even seem like he missed us one bit!
daily life,
world of ethan
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Wooden Annivesary = Eurotrip!
So it was no secret that I was nearly 4 months pregnant when Mike and I got married in 2005. It put a little damper on our Honeymoon which was a week long all-inclusive trip to Cancun (a wedding present from my mom). We have since then promised we would try to do something special every year on our anniversary.
Year 1 - We went on a Carribbean cruise.
We made out with stingrays
Year 1 - We went on a Carribbean cruise.
We made out with stingrays
Tubed through caves in Belize
Made friends with Mexicans who can't take pictures after getting stranded with no money for a cab
Drank a little too much in Cozumel
Ravaged through ancient ruins in Costa Maya
Year 2 - We said, screw it, let's jump off a perfectly good airplane.
Year 3 - We spent a week-worth of free beach-front suites in the East Coast.
We went to our first NASCAR race in Richmond
We went to our first NASCAR race in Richmond
Almost decapitated Mike in Williamsburg
Climbed our first light house at Fort Story
Drank a little too much in Ocean City
Got diarrhea from jumbo pizzas in DC
I'm sure we went to dinner or something, but goes to show you that it must've been THAT boring that neither Mike or I can remember what it was. We had just bought the house, so not only were our funds a little low, we probably just didn't have enough energy left to plan anything.
So for Year 5, we are pulling all the stops and we're going to Europe for 10 days!!! We are super psyched!
Is it September yet???????
fun fun fun,
Monday, June 07, 2010
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