This conversation occurred early this morning while Ethan was on the potty.....
Me: Don't forget to push your penis down when you go potty so it'll go in the toilet, ok?
Ethan: Push the penis like this, mommy? [while demonstrating the said pushing]
Me: Yes, baby. Just like that. You have to push it down so it doesn't spray on the floor.
Ethan: Ethan has a penis.
Me: Yes, sweetheart. You have a penis.
Ethan: Mommy has a penis?
Me: [shakes head] No, mommy doesn't have a penis.
Ethan: Daddy has a penis?
Me: Yes, daddy has a penis.
Ethan: Ethan has a penis. Mommy doesn't have a penis. Daddy has a penis.
Me: That's right, sweetheart. Boys have penises, but girls don't.
Ethan: Sissy has a penis?
Me: No, baby. Sissy is a girl. She doesn't have a penis.
Ethan: Nah uh. Sissy has a penis.
Me: No. Sissy doesn't have a penis.
Ethan: Ohhhhk. Sissy doesn't have a penis.